Booking Forms / Shipping Instructions

To book you cargo on our vessels, you must provide us with the following:

  1. Completed booking memo
  2. Commercial / Proforma invoice showing value of cargo.
  3. Packing List

How to fill out the booking memo:

  • Shipper: the person/company who will be sending out the cargo. Complete Name, Mailing Address, and Contact numbers are required

  • Consignee: the person/company who will be receiving the cargo. Complete Name, Mailing Address, and Contact numbers are required.

  • Notify party: the person/company who will be handling cargo at the port of discharge (freight forwarding company, broker, or can be same as the consignee) Complete Name, Mailing Address, and Contact numbers are required

  • Vessel / Voyage: Based on our sailing schedule, which Vessel and voyage you wish to book cargo on.

  • Load Port: Place where the cargo is being shipped from.
  • Final Destination: Place where cargo will being shipped to.
  • Marks: Any information as written/labeled on cargo.
  • No. & Type of packages: (i.e. 3 boxes, 4 pallets) *Required*

  • Description: Items that will be shipped *Required*

  • Weight: in pounds or kilograms

  • Measurement: in cubic feet (cft) or cubic meters (cbm) or length x width x height in inches. *Required*

  • If requesting for container, please indicate size of container.
  • Authorized signature of shipper. *Rrequired* (We cannot process your booking without a signature.)

Once all documents are received, one of our Customer service representatives will be in contact with you to confirm information and provide additional information to complete your booking.

Contact Us

809 Chalan Paseheru Unit 1, Tamuning, Guam 96913

Telephone: 671-633-6725

Fax: 671-633-6737

Emergency Contact Numbers: 671-777-7914 / 671-488-6057 / 671-482-3114

Rate Request